What is the importance of building knowledge graphs for under-resourced langauges and why it should be done now.
Sep 7, 2024
What is the importance of building knowledge graphs for under-resourced langauges and why it should be done now.
Sep 7, 2024
Knowledge Graphs have been widely used by tech compannies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook. In this course, you will easily learn how to create your own knowledge graph.
Jul 1, 2024
Our objective is to record the voices of the Quechua Collao vocabulary in various age ranges, and make the recordings available on Wikimedia Commons. So, the Quechua speakers, quechua learners, teachers, students, and ultimately scientists can build projects on top of it. For instance, the recordings can be used for the production of Open Educational Resources in mother tongues. In addition, we will run a workshop on how to contribute to Wikimedia Commons and its related projects to save minoritized languages.
May 27, 2024
Quechua communities around the world gather millions of people. Unfortunately, there are only a few resources available in Quechua language, and they are mainly stored in unstructured formats. In this project, we will present the idea of building a knowledge graph to support the under-resourced Quechua language and its communities through wiki projects.
Jan 27, 2024
We introduce various aspects of the knowledge graphs lifecycle namely creation, hosting, curation and deployment. We define each task, give example approaches from the literature and explain our approach with a running example.
May 13, 2023
We propose QICHWABASE to support the harmonization process of the Quechua language and knowledge, and its community.
May 6, 2023
The Qichwabase, is a Knowledge Graph, which is accessible on the Web, retrievable by machines, and curated by Quechua users..
Nov 16, 2022
The paper provides an overview of various quality dimensions (QDs) and quality metrics (QMs) that are specific to KGs. Furthermore, we propose a general-purpose, customizable to a domain or task, and practical quality assessment framework for assessing the quality of KGs.
Aug 28, 2022
The paper provides an overview of the typical aspects of the studied search services, including process models, data preparation and presentation, common methodologies and categories.
Jun 8, 2022