
  1. Project Manager


    Responsibilities include:

    • Implementing the Quechua Voices project
    • Monitor the project from its planning to final reporting
    • Develop methods and tools to represent the Puno Quechua language

    As result 1300 lexemes, with their senses, forms, and pronunciation speech where added into Wikidata.

  2. Data Consultant

    Digital Science Center (DISC), University of Innsbruck, Austria

    Responsibilities include:

    • Assist with the modelling and deployment of medieval mining text data
    • Support the assessment of data correctness for the Historical Mining Texts Project

    The outcome enabled the identification of data modelling issues and prevented from representing inconsistent data.

  3. E-learning Developer

    Wikimedia Foundation

    Responsibilities include:

    • Develop, implement, and localize the Reading Wikipedia in the Classroom program for the Spanish-speaking user group in Peru
    • Create and develop an e-learning course using the OpenEdX Learning Management System

    The blended program reached 130 teachers, and the program materials were translated to the Quechua language.

  4. E-learning Facilitator

    Wikimedia Foundation, USA (Remote)

    Responsibilities include:

    • Support the development of e-learning programs such as Training of Trainers. The program hosted +20 participants from different countries
    • Assist its smooth implementation and assessment.
    • Creat e-learning materials to present complex concepts of the free knowledge ecosystem to non-expert audiences.
  5. Lecturer

    Computer Science Department, Innsbruck University, Austria

    Responsibilities include to teach groundbreaking subjects:

    • Knowledge graphs and Smart Data
    • Advance topics in computer science
    • Online communication and marketing
    • Programming methodology
  6. Research Assistant

    Semantic Technology Institute (STI), University of Innsbruck, Austria.

    Responsibilities include:

    • Developed and implement data and knowledge management strategies
    • Research and develop a knowledge graph curation framework in order to assess the quality of knowledge graphs
    • Assist the development of the MindLab and WordLiftNG projects

    The outcome highlighted the tasks; assessment, cleaning, and enrichment, which is described in the book: Knowledge Graphs: Methodologies, Tools, and Selected Use Cases.


  1. PhD in Computer Science (candidate)

    Innsbruck University, Austria
    Thesis on Knowledge Graph Quality Assessment. I researched the representation, curation, and assessment of knowledge graphs, e.g. data modelling, ontologies, knowledge representation, and knowledge curation.
    Related work: Steps to Knowledge Graphs Quality Assessment
  2. MSc in Web Engineering

    University of Oviedo, Spain

    I specialized in Semantic Web technologies that can allow the representation, validation, and deployment of data on and off the web.

    Courses included:

    • New Developments in Semantic Web
    • Languages and web standards
    • Ethical and legal aspect of the web
    • Direction and Management of web projects
    • Web content manager
    • Architecture and systems development E-Learning
    • Business models in electronic commerce and web
  3. MSc in Digital Information Systems

    University of Salamanca, Spain

    I focused on the management, preservation, digitalization, and organization of digital resources. Furthermore, I did my internship at the GREDOS repository of the university of Salamanca.

    Courses included:

    • Research in virtual environments and open science
    • Content management systems
    • Data science: social network analysis
    • Digital preservation
    • Description, representation and organisation of digital content
    • Digital information indexing and retrieval systems
    • Digital inclusion and sustainability
  4. BSc in Systems Engineering

    National University of Altiplano - Puno, Peru

    I focused on implementing a web system for managing students and teachers data of the National University of the Altiplano of Puno.

    Courses included:

    • Structure of data and algorithms
    • Technologies for application development
    • Planning and assessment of systems projects
    • Software engineering
    • Information systems
    • Quality in organizations and re-engineering
    • Distributed information systems
    • Implementation of information systems
Skills & Hobbies
Hard skills

HTML, Java, Python, JavaScript, Markdown, LaTeX


Moodle, OpenEdx, OpenOLAT, Figma, Canva, Camtasia, OBS Studio, Teams, Zoom


GraphDB, SPARQL, MySQL, Wikibase


Jira, JupyterLab, Wikidata, WordPress

Soft skills

Presentation skills, active listening, facilitation, time management


Collaboration, mediation, brainstorming, goal-setting


Initiative, delegation, mentorship, motivation


Creative thinking, strategic thinking, consultation


Basketball, Beach volleyball, Climbing, Hiking, Mountain biking, Travel


Board games, Chess, Cooking, Dance, Swimming, Volleyball


Digital literacy, Quechua, Responsible AI, Under-resourced languages

GRANT | Giving voices to the Quechua Collao vocabulary
Wikimedia Foundation ∙ April 2024
Our objective is to record the voices of the Quechua Collao vocabulary in various age ranges, and make the recordings available on Wikimedia Commons. So, the Quechua speakers, quechua learners, teachers, students, and ultimately scientists can build projects on top of it. For instance, the recordings can be used for the production of Open Educational Resources in mother tongues.
GRANT | AURORA Summer School
University of Innsbruck ∙ June 2023
University of Innsbruck grant for attending the AURORA Summer School on Public Outreach for selected PhD candidates, from 5 to 8 June, Iceland.
SCHOLARSHIP | Supporting technical contributor to Wikimedia projects
Wikimedia Foundation ∙ May 2023
Wikimedia Foundation for supporting technical contributor to Wikimedia projects, and allow them to attend the Wikimedia Hackathon 19–21 May, Greece
SCIENCE SLAM WINNER | Preserving human knowledge through knowledge graphs
Science Slam Austria ∙ September 2023
Preserving human knowledge through knowledge graphs by Elwin Huaman (ScienceSlam2022), See the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZmVrKyYsgU.
BEST PROJECT AWARD | Dictionary LODification using Wikibase
European network for Web-centred linguistic data science ∙ June 2023
Best Project Award at the 4th Summer Datathon on Linguistic Linked Open Data (SDLLOD-22) with the project Dictionary LODification using Wikibase: Quechua language.
See certificate
FIRST PRIZE | Indigenous Languages Hackathon
UNESCO ∙ May 2022
First Prize at the ICTs for Indigenous Languages Hackathon as part of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS 2022). Generating knowledge in minority languages for the Web.
See certificate
BEST PAPER AWARD | Towards Knowledge Graphs Validation
Iberoamerican Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web Conference ∙ November 2021
Best Paper Award at the Knowledge Graph Semantic Web Conference (KGSWC 2021), Towards Knowledge Graphs Validation through Weighted Knowledge Sources.
See certificate
FINALISTS PHASE | Aporta Challenge 2019, Ideas competition
Ministry of Economy and Business, Spain ∙ December 2019
We peopose a web search engine for locating sustainable destinations. It aims to promote responsible and sustainable tourism to preserve the planet.
See certificate
GRANT | Der Förderkreis 1669
University of Innsbruck, Austria ∙ July 2019
The Förderkreis 1669 of the University of Innsbruck supports excellent young researchers by funding conference participation.
See certificate
FIRST PRIZE | Smarth Destination Hackathon
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) with the Spanish government ∙ June 2018
First prize in the Smarth Destination Hackathon (Hack4SD), I have developed a search engine for sustainable tourism destinations.
See certificate
GRANT | Peruvian scientists in Europe
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Peru, Germany ∙ October 2017
Grant to participate in the meeting of Peruvian scientists in Europe (SINAPSIS) in Berlin, Germany. I presented my contributions related to Linked Open Data to the Peruvian scientists community.
See certificate
FIRST PRIZE | University Contest of Talent and Entrepreneurship
University of Oviedo, Spain ∙ June 2017
First prize in the University Contest of Talent and Entrepreneurship (CHAMP-U). The project let Alpaca breeder’s family in Peru offer their houses to visitors.
See certificate