Ninfa Quispe
Ninfa Quispe studied B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering (not finished) from the University of Altiplano, Puno. Her main interests are helping people, communities, particulary on empowering women, helping them to develop their skills and fighting for their rights.
He runs the Huaman Quispe Sustainable Farm project, which is a sustainable farm that preserves as much as possible all quechua knowledge, traditions, cultural ceremonies, and more.
"Siempre debemos compartir con los que menos saben y tienen, eso es bueno, nos hace más humanos y nos llena de salud porque nuestro corazón se alegra." (Ninfa Quispe)
"We must always share with people who have less than us, that is good, it makes us more human and our heart rejoices." (Ninfa Quispe)
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